• Mistercraft C-07 Fw-190D-9 Langnasen 1:72

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Fw-190D-9 Langnasen 1:72


The Focke-WulfFw 190 Würger was used by the Luftwaffe during the Second World War in a variety of roles. Like the Messerschmitt Bf 109, the Fw 190 was employed as a "workhorse", and provedsuitable for a widevariety of roles, includingairsuperiority fighter, strike fighter, ground-attackaircraft, escort fighter, and operated with less success as a night fighter. It served on all the German fronts: Eastern Front, Western Front, NorthAfricanCampaign and the Defence of the Reich.
Whenit was firstintroduced in August 1941, itquicklyproved to be superior in all but turn radius to the RoyalAir Force (RAF) front-line fighter, the SpitfireMk. V variant. The 190 wrestedairsuperiorityaway from the RAF until the introduction of the vastlyimprovedSpitfireMk. IX in July 1942 restoredqualitativeparity. The Fw 190 madeitsaircombatdebut on the Eastern Front much later, in November/December 1942. The Fw 190 made a significantimpactseeing service as a fighter and fighter-bomber. The fighter and itspilotsprovedjust as capable as the Bf 109 in aerialcombat, and in the opinion of German pilotswhohadflownbothfighters, the Fw 190 presentedincreasedfirepower and manoeuvrabilityatlow to medium altitude.
About 700 aircraftweretransferred to the Fw 190 D-9 line (production was higher, but some of the aircraftweredestroyed by Allied airraids).This version was based on the A-8 airframe, sotherewere no otherversionsbetweenit and the D-2.The prototypetrialslasted from May to August 1944, and the serial productionitselfalsostarted in August 1944. The Jumo 213 A-1 engine was used for the propulsion, the hulllength was increased to 10.91 m. The armament was two MG 131 MG 131 enginesabove the engine and twoplot MG 151 / 20E at the base of the wings.The planecouldalsocarry a bomb oranadditionalfuel tank on anunder-fuselage ETC 504 ejector.
Kit Contents:
• Plane model
• Assembly instructions
• German Aviation Luftwaffe Major Gerhard Bakhorn 302 shots down Commander of the division JG 6 Poland 1945.
• Adhesive for plastic models with a brush
• Decal - version:
• German Air Force Luftwaffe, sergeant Werner Hohenberg of division and JG 2 Munich Netherlands 1945.
• German Air Force Luftwaffe, sergeant Lut Theo Nibl, division 10./JG 54 Belgium 1944.
• Discount coupon for subsequent purchases
Technical data:
• Model: Plastic
• Scale: 1:72
• Skill level: 2
• Number of parts: 28
• Length of the model after: 141.6 mm
• Wingspan: 145.8 mm
• Box dimensions: 257x134x37 mm
• Bar code: 5903852030070
• Product code: C-07
• Paintings: 4x Germany
• Type: Fighter aircraft
• Period: World War II
• Country: Germany
• Decals for 4 versions
• Weight: 90 g

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